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Selenite Slabs

Selenite Slabs

Purity, Clarity of Mind, Peace

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
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Metaphysical Properties

Named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, Selenite possesses remarkable properties for deep spiritual and metaphysical purposes. It is associated with peace, purity, and heightened awareness, and is often utilized to aid in meditation and astral projection.

Translucent Selenite possesses a high vibration that enhances mental clarity.

It opens the crown and higher crown chakras, facilitating access to angelic consciousness and higher guidance.

Selenite is a calm stone that instills deep peace. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, sad, or confused holding a selenite will help absorb these energies so that you feel more calm and at ease.

Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around your home creating a safe and peaceful atmosphere that does not allow outside influences in - use internally in the corners of your home

On a psychological level, Selenite enhances judgment and insight. It clears mental confusion and helps one see the bigger picture. It fosters conscious awareness of any activity happening on a subconscious level that may be causing stagnation in your personal growth. Selenite is also effective in dispersing and stabilizing erratic emotions.

Chakra: due to its association with its ability to access higher fields of consciousness selenite is often used to heal, open, and balance the crown Chakra (7th chakra)

Crystal Details

* Selenite is water soluble, so avoid rinsing or submerging it in water.

* Selenite is so soft it can be scratched with a finger nail so handle your piece with care

Selenite is formed from hydrated calcium sulphate which is a variety of crystalline gypsum

Selenite can be found naturally in the United States, Mexico, Greece, Russia, Poland, Austria, Germany, France, & England

How to Cleanse & Charge

There are many ways in which one can cleanse and charge crystals.

For Selenite specifically this is a self-cleansing and self-charging crystal so you do not need to actively do much but if you wish to you can use the following traditional forms

Full Moon: (cleanse & charge)

Set your crystal under a full moon and set the intention to have the moon's energy cleanse your crystal of all negative energy and then to charge your crystal.

Sound: (cleanse)

Use a Tibetan bowl, bell, or crystal bowl to cleanse and and use your intuition to determine when it has been done successfully

Clear Quartz: (charge)

Clear quartz is an amplifying crystal, making it ideal for charging other crystals. To use it, first infuse your quartz with the intent to charge, then place your cleansed crystals on or around the quartz.

Sage: (cleanse)

Palo Santo: (cleanse & charge)



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