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Rose Quartz Palm Stone

Rose Quartz Palm Stone

Cleanse, Clarity of Mind, Peace

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
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Metaphysical Properties

Rose Quartz Metaphysical Properties

Rose quartz is often associated with love

It encourages emotional healing, harmony in your relationships and amplifies self-love.

*Rose quartz is a great crystal to attune yourself with the frequencies of love, compassion, and forgiveness for yourself and others.

Chakra: due to its association with love Rose quarts is often used to heal, open, and balance the Heart Chakra (4th chakra)

Please note that this a natural specimen therefore size, color, shape and texture may very - photos are for reference for approximate size 

Crystal Details

Rose Quartz

* Avoid direct sunlight as this can cause the color to fade

Rose quartz gets its pink hues Due to traces of elements such as manganese, iron, and titanium which replace silicon atoms in the quartz crystal lattice. They absorb certain wavelengths of light, while they reflect others.

The wavelengths of light that are reflected are in the pink range of the spectrum, which is why rose quartz has its characteristic pink color. 

Rose quarts can be found naturally in South Africa, Brazil, Japan, United States, India, & Madagascar

Please note that this is a natural specimen therefore size, color, shape and texture may very - photos are for reference for approximate size

How to Cleanse & Charge

Use any of the following methods

Full Moon: (cleanse & charge)

Set your crystal under a full moon and set the intention to have the moon's energy cleanse your crystal of all negative energy and then to charge your crystal.

Sound: (cleanse)

Use a Tibetan bowl, bell, or crystal bowl to cleanse and and use your intuition to determine when it has been done successfully

Clear Quartz: (charge)

Clear quartz is an amplifying crystal, making it ideal for charging other crystals. To use it, first infuse your quartz with the intent to charge, then place your cleansed crystals on or around the quartz.

Sage: (cleanse)

Palo Santo: (cleanse & charge)

Selenite: (cleanse & charge)

Selenite is a self-cleansing and self-charging crystal and therefore has the power to cleanse and charge any neighboring crystals.

(selenite towers, bowls, and plates/slabs will be handy to have in your crystal collection for cleansing and recharging)


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