Zodiac Line

Introducing the Zodiac Line

The Zodiac Line was created with the intention to help encourage you to embrace your celestial blue print. Astrology is a great tool to use to learn more about what makes you, uniquely you.
"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do" -J.P. Morgan
There are 12 signs in the zodiac and most people already know their Sun sign.
However we actually have 5 personal planets in our birth chart as well as the Ascendent also known as your Rising Sign.
The others are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars which also have signs associated to them.
You can discover your 5 personal planets and signs by looking up you birth chart. You'll need your birthdate, the time you were born and what city you were born in.
Allow yourself to explore your other planets and signs. Personally I admire my Venus in Libra placement so I'd rep my Sun sign and my Venus sign, Virgo and Libra.

Size Chart